History of the Bible

History Channel with commercials
Part 1 commercial

Part 2 History Channel- Dead Sea Scrolls. commercial

Part 3 History Channel -Pentateuch (no comercials)

Part 4 History Channel, King David, Judah and Israel Split 922BC Leviticus may have been written by someone other than Moses. 3 Styles of writing suggest different authors,

Part 5 History Channel, who gathered the writings together? Ezra may have gathered the torah together, son of Nariah, Baruk could have wrote Leviticus and I +II Kings,

Part 6 History Channel, Septuagint, translations into multilple languages since this time. Julias Cearor burns alexander the great's Library, What books to include in the Hebrew Cannon

Part 7 New Testament, Chester Beatty papyri, Saul of taursis, Paul's documents are written first before the gospels,

Part 8 Pauls writtings, Paul used a secretary to help write the books-Rom. 16:22, Revelation, Miricle working demons rev. 16:13, Selecting the Connon, Emperor Constantine,

Part 9 Constantine, 4th century finished, Bin Sira, Gnostic writings-Nag Hammadi library 1500 yrs old- 13 documents found 1945- includes Gospel of thomas, (very new age), Not included in Cannon because they were in hiding or not supposed to be included,

Part 10 4th Centruy AD, Jerome of Dalmatia- Translates bible into Latin- and then Roman Empire Language, The Latin Vulgate, 300-400 BC Plague of Anthrax, Taxation is implemented, 330BC Emperor moves capital from Rome to Constantinople, oldest Papyrus and Codex, Aleppo Codex- Hebrew Bible, (Most Authoritative), Codex Sinaiticus 4th century AD, Johannas Gutenberg printed Bible in 15th Century, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, King Henry VIII, The Great Bible of 1539, Elizabeth I- the Geneva, 1604 King James I- the KJV-The most widely used book in the world, The Torah

Part 11 The Torah, Hebrew language, the Pentateuch, 613 precept or commandments- 248 are positve- 365 are negative, 248 column in Torah and 365 days in year, Hebrew Alphabet, Letter are numbers, Numerical values of words, Bible Code,

Part 12 The Bible is a permanent mystery of mankind, bible is relevant for today,